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Kevin Leehey,
M.D. Child, Adolescent, and Adult Psychiatry Board Certified 1980 E. Ft. Lowell Road, Suite 150 | Tucson, Arizona 85719 Phone: (520) 296-4280 | Fax: (520) 296-3835 |
Kevin Leehey M.D. 1980 E. Fort Lowell Road,
Suite 150 296-4280
Parenting and Self Help Books Use what fits your situation. Though I don’t agree with everything in each book, these are all quite good. 1) Mayo Clinic Guide to Your Baby's First Year 2012, Paperback, $16 Excellent information on child development, what to expect, parenting and the health of your child and family. 2) Assertive Discipline For Parents, Revised edition, by Lee Canter with Marlene Canter, (authors of Homework Without Tears) 2009, paperback, $13 One of the best books for parents who too often give in and need help setting firm, not harsh, limits. Excellent for all parents. Concise! 3) How To Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen so Kids Will Talk by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish, 2012 Scribner, paperback $10 Another excellent classic for parents and anyone who hopes to talk to and connect to kids. There are versions for Teens and Teachers. 4) The Whole Brain Child by Daniel Siegel MD + Tina Payne Bryson PhD; 2011 paperback, $10 Excellent. Uses brain development and looking at yourself to provide perspective on parenting. Brainstorm (about teens) and No Drama Discipline are by the same authors and also very good. 5) Yes, Your Teen Is Crazy by Michael Bradley EdD, 2003, paperback, $10 Brain development and looking at yourself, good parenting advice with humor. Also Yes, Your Parents Are Crazy 6) Taking Charge of ADHD by Russell Barkley, Ph.D., 2000, paperback, $19 A good book on all aspects of ADHD including school, counseling, and parenting. Adult version 2010. 7) Parenting with Love and Logic by Foster Cline M.D. and Jim Fay; 1990, 2006 (Their second book covers Teens) Emphasizes helping parents properly shift “the problem” to the child and not take the situation personally. Helps parents detach from power struggles and not let our own issues get in the way. 8) The Introvert Advantage: How to Survive in An Extrovert World by Marti Olsen Laney Psy.D. paperback, 2002, $10 A different perspective favoring the shy, low key, and non-socialites. 9) Talking Back to OCD by John March, M.D., paperback, 2007, $10 Written for parents, teens, and children to help learn cognitive therapy techniques to combat obsessions and compulsions. 10) Your Defiant Child by Russell Barkley Ph.D., 1998, paperback, $11 Excellent at helping parents disengage from power struggles and rebuild a productive family relationship. Also Your Defiant Teen 11) The Explosive Child by Ross Greene, Ph.D., 2010, paperback, $9 "A new approach for understanding and parenting easily frustrated, chronically inflexible children." 12) Overcoming Dyslexia by Sally Shaywitz, M.D., 2003, paperback, $15 How reading, writing, and comprehension really work in the brain, and how to help your child cope and beat dyslexia. 13) Helping Your Anxious Child. A Step by Step Guide for Parents by R. Rapee PhD et al., 2008, $12 Excellent practical how to book. 14) The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook by M. McKay PhD, J. Wood PsyD, J. Brantley MD; 2007, paperback, $13 Designed and best as a workbook along with therapy/counseling. 15) Feeling Good by David Burns, M.D., 1999, paperback, $8 Great classic self help book teaching how to use cognitive behavioral therapy techniques to combat especially depression and anxiety. 16) Codependent No More by Melody Beattie, 1992, paperback, $16 This classic first in a series provides self help unearthing and changing behavior and emotional patterns. 17) Brain Lock by Jeffrey Schwartz, M.D., paperback, $12 One of several books targeting Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) via cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques. Two more include: Getting Control: Overcoming Your Obsessions and Compulsions, 2012, and The Imp of the Mind: Obsessive Bad Thoughts, 2002, are by Lee Baer, PhD, paperbacks $13 each. 18) The Worry Cure, Seven Steps by Robert Leahy PhD, 2005, paperback, $10 Good Cognitive Therapy based book targets Anxiety well. Easy to understand and use. 19) Overcoming Compulsive Hoarding by Bubrick and Dr. Neziroglu, 2004, paperback, $12 Concise description of hoarding. Excellent section on cognitive distortions, and how to change them. 20) Mindful Parenting For ADHD, A Guide to Cultivating Calm, Reducing Stress and Helping Children Thrive by Mark Bertin, MD, 2015, $17 As the title says. 21) The Incredible Years by Carolyn Webster-Stratton PhD; incredibleyears.com or call 1-888-506-3562 Research based child development program has proven results for families, schools, and counseling. 22) Helping Teens Who Cut by Michael Hollander, PhD; 2008, paperback, 214 pages, ~$12 Very good book about a common problem written to help parents (and youth) understand and address this problem using DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy) for treatment. 23) Make It Stick - The Science of Successful Learning by Peter Brown, Henry Roediger, Mark McDaniel; 2014, hardcover, ~250 pages, ~$18 Excellent book about how to learn and remember what you study. The first and last chapters sum it all up. 24) Rest, Play, Grow - Making Sense of Preschoolers by Deborah MacNamara PhD; 2016, paperback, $14 Everyone who knows a 1 to 5 year old will benefit from this book, as will your child or student. 25) Caring for Autism - Practical Advice from a Parent and Physician by Michael Ellis D.O.; 2018, paperback, $16 Thorough excellent info and advice from a Child Psychiatrist father of Autistic child. 26) Mind Coach: How to Teach Children and Teenagers to Think Positive and Feel Good by Daniel Amen MD, paperback, $19, 1997 A brief well done kids book teaching Cognitive Therapy in kids' language like ANTs (Automatic Negative Thoughts), drawings, about thinking errors. 27) ADD - Friendly Ways to Organize Your Life by Kolberg & Nadeau; $17, 2017, 2nd edition A psycholgist and an organizer. Updated version of their classic. Just like the title says... 28) Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well Lived, Joyful Life by Burnett and Evans, hardcover, $17, 2016 Paths to find and develop or redevelop life and career options you want and fit you. |