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Kevin Leehey,
M.D. Child, Adolescent, and Adult Psychiatry Board Certified 1980 E. Ft. Lowell Road, Suite 150 | Tucson, Arizona 85719 Phone: (520) 296-4280 | Fax: (520) 296-3835 |
Please note that the Pima County School Superintendent's Office does not endorse or recommend any of these schools or home school support groups. The list is being provided as a courtesy to parents who are interested in correspondence schools and/or networking with support groups. This list is just a few of the correspondence schools that are in operation; there are many more.
(AFHE) 1-800-929-3927 or (602) 235-2673 homeschool@afhe.org www.afhe.org A non-profit, membership-based education corporation that supports home schooling in Arizona. |
Shannon Federoff (520) 762-0469 info@hfhetucson.org www.hfhetucson.org Meeting the needs of Catholic families through support groups, parent meetings adn field trips. |
Blake Mosser admissions@bridgewayacademy.com www.bridgewayacademy.com Flexible. Individualized. Supportive. Accredited (NAPS-National Association of Private Schools). |
Bonnie Marotta No phone number listed myhollygirl@wildblue.net We are a non-denominational Christian home school group dedicated to support, encourage & guide one another through our home school experience. Monthly park day & home school meetings, and throughout the month for PE, field trips, activities & learning. |
A Christian home school support group with weekly PE classes, monthly park days, in-between field trips, art classes, youth activities and educational fairs. |
Becky Young (520) 531-8654 Christ-centered support group. Weekly park meetings in the Northwest with members from all over town. |
Contact/Email: Lara Brennan http://tucsonhomeschoolers.org Sonoran Desert Homeschoolers is an inclusive home education group serving all types of homeschoolers through Tucson and Southern Arizona. |
Cindy Fox - cindyfox@cindyfox.com Debbie Gillispie - debbie@flyingcouch.com Mark Fox - markfox@cox.net (602) 269-8923 hena@hena.us www.hena.us HENA's mission is to create an environment in which all home education families in Arizona can share resources, find support and build community. |