American Medical Association

Physicians dedicated to the health of America
Media Use Suggestions for Parents
- Be alert to the shows your children see. These suggestions are important for all children,
and most important for young children: the younger the child, the more impressionable he or she is.
- Avoid using television, videos, or video games as a babysitter. It might be convenient for busy parents, but
it can begin a pattern of always turning to media for entertainment or diversion. Simply turning the sets off
is not nearly as effective as planning some other fun activity with the family.
- Limit the use of media. Television use must be limited to no more than one or two quality hours per day. Set situation limits, too: no
television or video games before school, during daytime hours, during meals, or before homework is done.
- Keep television and video player machines out of your children's bedrooms. Putting them there
encourages more viewing and diminishes your ability to monitor their use.
- Turn the television off during mealtimes. Use this time to catch up and connect with one another.
- Turn television on only when there is something specific you have decided is worth watching. Don't turn the TV on "to see if
there's something on." Decide in advance if a program is worth viewing. Identify high-quality programs,
using evaluations of programs in your selection process.
- Don't make the TV the focal point of the house. Avoid placing the television in the most prominent location in your home. Families watch less
television or play fewer videos if the sets are not literally at the center of their lives.
- Watch what your children are watching. This will allow you to know what they're viewing and will give you an opportunity
to discuss it with them. Be active: talk and make connections with your children while the program is on.
- Be especially careful of viewing just before bedtime. Emotion-invoking images may linger and intrude
into sleep.
- Learn about movies that are playing and the videos available for rental or purchase. Be explicit with children about your guidelines for appropriate movie viewing and review proposed movie
choices in advance.
- Become "media literate." This means learning how to evaluate media offerings critically. First learn yourself and then teach your children. Learn about advertising and teach
your children about its influences on the media they use.
- Limit your own television viewing. Set a good example by your moderation and discrimination in viewing. Be careful when children are around and may
observe material from "your" program.
- Let your voice be heard. We all need to raise our voices so that they are heard by program decision makers and sponsors. We need to insist on better programming
for our children.